Hi Everyone! It’s been way too long since my last post, I apologize. I’ve been pretty busy between my internship, my part time job, finding stylists for my own shoots and planning on re doing my portfolio. Now I’ve quit said part time job, found a bunch of talented people to work with and have continued to work on my portfolio. Everything is going well. My internship is great, and working with the people there has been really nice! I left my part time so I could work on my photography more and get more photo jobs, it needed to happen. My mom also came to visit the last week in March which was so great! (I definitely cried at the airport). I missed her so much and still do. Even though I had to work a lot we had an awesome week hanging out and I cannot wait to see her again!
Now for some photos….

This was from when my mom and I went up to wine country. It was a warm, gorgeous day and the countryside was beautiful. More importantly I have the wonderful memory of sharing that day with my favorite person. I love you mom.

A week before my mom came it had rained for at least 10 days straight here.

A couple self portraits I did one nice night while out on the deck.
On Saturday I did a shoot with Alyssa Terry, who cooked and styled the food. It was a great time and the food was delicious, haha. I am very excited about these images and can’t wait to work with Alyssa again!

Last but not least, a sunset over San Francisco. My best friend’s brother was in town and we hung out for a day going all over the city and we ended up at the top of Coit tower just in time for a great view and beautiful light.
