Hello Everyone,
How are you? How’s your summer going? I can’t believe it’s August already. I’ve probably said it before and I’ll say it again, this has been one of the fastest moving years of my life! It’s crazy how time flies, and speaking of, I just turned 20 on July 31st! Yes, I am no longer a teenager. It’s time to leave those crazy years behind, they definitely had their ups and downs but there were a lot of amazing and beautiful times had, and more to come! :)

Now and Then. Second Photo by Kelly Pirner
So i’ve still been trying to shoot everyday. Sometimes it’s hard but I’ve been doing it most days out of the week. I set up my props and lights in my dining room on the table and usually start with one light and add another or reflectors (I’ve been using tin foil haha) after that. I love being able to create something and keep working from there, seeing how it turns out in the end.
I love doing my food photography, but have been itching to do more portraits and stretch my legs creatively in that direction a little more. I wish the summer days weren’t so fleeting, but I do look forward to the crisp cool autumn days. It always smells so good! I also can’t believe it’s been almost a year since Hallmark began. It really blows my mind. I miss it.
Enough rambling, here’s some pictures, hope you enjoy them! :)

Oh PS I updated my website! let me know what you think!