Recently it’s been great to have some new food product clients! The pandemic and being stuck at home made the ability to ship product more of a necessity. This continued throughout the year on a few occasions and it’s honestly a lot easier for me to photograph things right out of my own apartment or the studio I rent from. A lot of the time I did photos on my front porch and as things got colder I’ve moved into a corner of my bedroom or living room testing my lighting skills. It’s been a great challenge to work with what I’ve got and style with what I have.
I recently began working with The Social Headquarters. They are a local women-owned business that help other small businesses with marketing through social media and web design. I love working with them and the clients they have sent me so far have been great. Fat Toad Farm is a company I’ve been wanting to work with. They are a goat milk caramel sauce business based out of Vermont – and it’s damn delicious! The goal here was to create imagery for their social media and website that reflected their brand (earthy, Vermont made, rustic, natural) and also showed how the product could be used (recipes!). I had a lot of fun and taste testing was the best haha.
#mediacontent #sauces #photographer #styledphotos #foodphotography #localfarm #Icecream #vermontphotographer #productphotography #socialcontent #vermont #foodphotographer #socialmedia #foods #caramelsauce #goatmilk #Vermontmade #food #foodie #content #caramel #farm #foodstyling #goatmilkcaramel #snacks